Friday, 11 January 2013

The journey begins

Grocery day today

Gathered all of the ingredients for some delicious bread to be made tomorrow, just need to find a new recipe as our last was producing fairly stodgy bread. Jenny gave me a tip on my fb page about citric acid and ginger as a raising aid so will have a bit of an expeeriment with that. Cant believe how cheap our groceries were not buying shitty supo chicken and premade yoghurts and pasta sauces and hopefully once we've built up a good pantry they'll get cheaper!

We have plenty of raw milk on hand so attempted to make yoghurt and sour cream last night but failed. Now sure how we will cope without for the weekend so will try again tomorrow. Pasta is the next on the list, we tend to eat 3 or 4 pasta meals a week so will have a session making a bunch for the freezer. Forgot to buy muslin today to make our own ricotta for ravioli filling, thinking a cheese making kit might be worth getting!!  Yes I am a dairy product addict!!

Feeling great about the changes we have made so far, buying herb garden supplies this weekend to plant up and hoping to invest in a dehydrator in the next few weeks to dry and store my own.

Keeping an eye on the scales too, hoping this will help with the post baby weight loss. 

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