Sunday, 20 January 2013

Just call me Mrs Glutton

For me the first key to weightloss is to squash the reasons I eat. Boredom and habit. Habit is the first to tackle. Not sure where to start, to quit cold turkey or just pick healthy satisfying snacks I can have!

The lead up to todays crazed after dinner food need.

 We did a quick top up groceries today, more vege and breakfast from the farmers market then a few things from the supo. I spotted the ice cream, a post baby staple for me. Had been having about a sixth of a tub of ice cream everynight after tea. Resisted, and thought screw it Ill cut this shit cold turkey. After a hot afternoon with a more than irritating toddler I said to Sam while cooking tea "if I can have him asleep by 8pm (the time when the shop shuts) you can go get me pudding". Well I did it, Barclay was asleep at 7.30 and I felt instantly happy. Husband toodles off to the shop, and returns. She was f***in shut early. Instant irrational anger kicks in while I desperately rack my brain for something to make. Nothing, I'm drawing major blanks and nothing will satisfy me. Then, I click. French toast with maple syrup, will take all 5 mins and such sugary goodness. I mention it to Sam, and he says those words. DO. YOU. REALLY. NEED. IT. Well those words mean I'm not going to make it, just to prove I can resist and instant silent treatment. Still sitting there simmering inside. I am so unreasonable in this need, its been literally an hour since I ate the delish tea I made. Tomato salad, greens, wedges, eggs and glorious amounts of steak.

Sam fell asleep in the chair and headed to bed and I got Sylvie to sleep while scouring whole food blogs, looking for next weeks recipes to try and watching cupcake wars which is totally not helping. Salivating. Desperate. Huzzah, toast. Jam on toast. Its something remotely sweet. I reconsidered, thought ANOTHER plum (would be about number 6) maybe but alas not what I'm after. So I head off to make it. Yes, I risked waking the baby sleeping contently on my chest for toast, I am that food crazed!!

And you know what, I ate that measly piece of toast, and it was shit and totally not the taste I was after. So I have decided, a nice tea will be my new after dinner habit. Wish me luck!

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